February 14, 2014


Happy Valentine's Day!!!
I'm sad to say that today I woke up feeling a little under the weather; so Valentine's hasn't been as spectacular as I had envisioned. I am really really tired and no amount of caffeine seems to do the trick.
I sluggishly woke up attempting to do my morning chores and began feeling overwhelmed by the 'project' list I had made for the kiddos…I drank my second cup of joe around 8 and decided it would be a mind over matter kind of day. I got dressed in my pink cardigan, put some makeup on in attempts to brighten up the day. I then dressed the kiddos and got out the camera for some pictures, knowing I would kick myself later if I didn't.
 I quickly threw out quite a few bribes for some cooperation.

Here she is tickling Parker trying to make him smile!
 Never could get one where they were smiling at the same time.
 Kissing her brother like a sweet girl! This makes my heart smile =)
 and then Zizi stole some kisses from her sister!
 I love Blakely's expression in this picture.
 Best buds!
We headed outside for a couple more shots
 at this point she was begging for her skittles (remember the bribing…)
 So, I made heart shaped pb&j sandwiches for lunch to be followed by those infamous skittles!

After a little while we decided to make those marshmallows I was talking about in the valentine's prep post.

and the finished product.

Wolfie stopped by for a little while so I could go pick up Caroline without having to load the kiddos up! LIFE SAVER, especially on a day of feeling not my best!
 Next up for the day was some good ole sponge painting. I placed painters tape over this canvas in a heart shape and let Blakely go crazy with the paints!
 She has been begging me for weeks to paint & was ecstatic when I brought up the paints from downstairs.

 These next few pictures are from last night when Mimi and Brian came over for dinner. Mimi brought Blakely and Parker such fun Valentines surprises!

 That sparkle backpack has not left B's side all day long.
 And sweet Parker has really enjoyed his new books.

 Now we are in outfit change 300 for the day!!!

 Happy Valentine's Day!!! I have loved reflecting today on the blessings of my loved ones and hope they know just how special they are to me!

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