February 27, 2014

'Pillow Pie'

Well, things are back to normal. Normal is a relative term I suppose. Our life does not look normal in any way other than the fact that I thrive through routine & last night we were able to start back our 'normal' bedtime routine. I finally feel back to my old self, yay!
 After bath time and teeth brushing these two had some major energy to burn off!
 They were so stinking happy, it makes my cheeks hurt just thinking about it!
 Just look at those cheeks! I could just eat them off =)
 So Blakely started a pillow fight--or 'pillow pie'
 Parker loves to be bullied. LOVES it. In fact, I might should be concerned over how much he loves it.
 Finally, after about 15 minutes of playing they crashed.
 and took a breather.
 And then went for round two!
 Kids and their energy…I'm jealous!
I'm so thankful for these good memories.

A while back, probably a few years ago now, when we lived in Hackberry…we had about 3 things break in a row and probably another 4-5 things go wrong all right there in a row. 'When it rains, it pours' kind of time. Since then this cycle has come and gone multiple times. Well, it is happening once again for us here at the Lyle household. I'm sure everyone's life looks this exact same way, but typically these 'hard' times just leave me feeling attacked and alone! Jesus did promise we would have many problems in this life, so why am I always so surprised?!? I just really do not function well when everything seems to go wrong.

So these times. Simple and fun. That is where God meets me and shows me his grace, mercy and love. These places are where I find my strength to pick up and march forward.

1 comment:

  1. Chin up, Kate, and know that you aren't alone! And just when life gets too overwhelming, look at those sweet, smiling faces. They can make any day brighter! I know Brooks puts things into perspective for me each and every day. Thankful for His grace, too!
