February 15, 2014

Snow Day #2

This go round our snow day looked a little different. We stayed inside all bundled up and just watched as it began to cover the ground. Parker and Blakely just sat in their chairs and watched the back deck transform in color. They were mesmerized. I asked Blakely if she wanted to go out and play and she quickly responded with a 'no'. She didn't want to be cold or wet…I hear ya girl! So we just watched instead!
 Here is a view from our front yard
 same view…different camera setting.
 Early the next morning the snow had already begun to melt. I wanted some shots of our back view though! I am so thankful for the privacy of our back yard! I truly do just love so many things about our house!
 I took Parker man outside to play for a while that morning. Once again, he absolutely loved it! I didn't get any pictures though. =( Too hard with the gloves and all layered on!

 God is amazing in his creation. I mean I just don't understand how someone could look at this and not believe that there is an amazing creator of it all!

 So what goes good with a wintery snow day? Cake cookies filled with icing! These were followed by a delicious pizza! Comfort food really is the best!
Here are a few more shots that my Mom captured from her house.

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