October 23, 2013

Almost 19 Months!

My little buddy is such a sweet, easy going, messy, active boy. I could go on and on! He is my cuddle bug! He loves his mommy so much these days & for that I am so thankful. If i'm ever standing up around where he is, he will run up behind me and grab both legs and stick his face between them and just love on me! 
 It sure is hard to believe that we've already passed the year and a half mark; although, I can't remember life without him there beside me. We are inseparable! Parker goes everywhere with me and I love it! I will sob the day we put him in school!
 I can make him laugh so easily! His laughing is so intense that he often gets hiccups.
 Parker is extremely easy. He entertains himself fully. I'm talking all day. I am so not used to that! Some hectic days where I've gotten carried away cleaning or working on a project, I have to remind myself to go interact and play with him because he is just totally content playing by himself!
 Mr. Man LOVES the TV. He would watch it all day long if I let him!
 He adores his monkey these days and that is an understatement. I washed him yesterday and showed him as I put him in the wash, explaining fully that he was taking a bath and would be out in just a second. Parker cried the.entire.time! Needless to say, he never made it to the dryer.
 This is one example of how he entertains himself. Here we have light reflecting on the floor. This entertained our buddy for about an hour.
  He still doesn't talk. He has said Momma, Zizi and a few others in the past, but on a day to day basis all I hear is jibber jabber!
 He communicates in other fashions, like here is a very common sight to see here at the Lyles. He will beat on the fridge until you open it and hand him his milk.

 Parker loves to color and LOVES crayons.

 This is not a staged photo. This was approximately 4:15am. Clint was out of town and a girl does what she has to survive... At 18 months, I would have hoped to be past seeing this time of day, but Parker man loves the wee hours in the morning!
 and yes, our 80 pound Vizsla sleeps in our queen sized bed Every.Single.Night!
 He's such a fun shopping buddy!
 This is Parker's second time seeing the huge Chick-fil-a Cow...He just isn't quite sure what he's up to...

Well, that's it for today! 

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