March 20, 2013

Staying Busy

I have really been battling some serious OCD lately. My 'to do' list is literally 4 pages long and totally overwhelming me...hence my blog absence.

When we moved I had a list of things I would want done, but my impatience has been truly getting the best of me. I just want it to all be done-like yesterday! I feel really convicted about it though-really really convicted. What are my motives? Why can't I learn patience? God has put us through so many trials that have 'taught' me patience and then I somehow lose and end up right back here...

So far, since Jan 1 when we moved in, I have painted the kitchen, entry, dining room, hall, bedroom & master bath. We have completely demoed the master bath and remodeled it (and encountered major nightmares along the way). We put a fence up out back & got an alarm system installed. I've fully decorated our bedroom and am currently working on the kitchen. LOTS of pics to come! 

On top of all those fun home improvement projects I've been making Parker's spring clothes, planning Parker's 1st birthday party, & planning Clint's 30th birthday party.

 Birthday outfit

 Easter clothes
for the highchair

 the sign looks way better when the sun isn't shining through it...

I'll spare y'all from my extensive list and fill you in for when those things have been checked off! I plan on posting pictures of before and afters but you know how planning goes-I'll probably have them up in a month =) I don't know how all those working Momma's do it...

1 comment:

  1. Love all his clothes and that's the party theme I'm doing for Brody! Love! I hate painting....with a passion so I feel bad for you. Lots of rooms done!
