March 1, 2013

11 Months Old

11 MONTHS! I cannot believe that I am having to plan your FIRST birthday party! I really have to think every time I get asked how old you are--I just want to instantly reply '5 months' is just not clicking that you are in fact weeks away from being ONE!
 You have grown SO much this month intellectually as well as physically. You are a crawling machine! You are already pulling up on chairs and toys-I fear walking is in our near future!
 You are still in size 4 diapers and eating the exact same as last month & seem pretty content with that schedule. You are taking about 2 naps a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I don't have you on a strict schedule at all so the timing varies day to day.
 You are such a handsome little man! I love looking into your deep blue eyes and that contagious smile! Oh how I LOVE your smile! =)
 You say 'Mamma' pretty well and that is about it. You love watching your sister. You LOVE the TV! You love food!
More than anything, you love your lovies!

 You had your first serious sickness this month. It all started Feb. 17-just a yucky cold. Feb. 21 (Mimi's bday) we had to go to the doc since your temp spiked to 104. She diagnosed you with asthma and a double ear infection.

 a few breathing treatments later & some antibiotics, you were feeling better!

much better =)

 My sweet Parker, I love you with all my heart! It brings me so much joy to get to hold you and play with you each and every day. God has blessed me so much by choosing me to be your mommy!
 You think so many things are funny and will laugh this amazing laugh! I wish I could bottle it up and listen to it all day long! I have never heard anything sweeter than that sound! You are such a content and happy baby! THANK YOU for that!!!
 You love playing and will entertain yourself (something sister has yet to learn!)
 You two are just starting to play together! Sister is pretty grouchy most of the time, but for now you are content with being bullied--I keep telling her one day you'll be bigger....

I cannot believe it is time for your birthday big boy! Here it is though-the invite! Daddy & I decided on only inviting family to your big celebration since Daddy is turning the big 30 & Blakely will be having a big bash for turning 3 all within the next month! It will be super special nonetheless! 
I LOVE YOU...More than More!

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