It was this guy's birthday!
Nikky came down with this awesome shirt...can we say perfect?!?
This girl thoroughly enjoyed her 'fog' Edgar's cupcake.
Little Elle came over for a visit while her Momma went in for one of her weekly checkups with the doc for Caroline. Elle L-O-V-E-S Parker. She begged and begged to feed him.
This boy continued being chill-He is so good these days it's hard to even remember a month ago when he never stopped crying!We went out to eat like all weekend: Newks, Momma G's, Pizza, and Zoe's...
-note to self-get back into my routine of cooking and QUIT BEING LAZY!
She cooperated pretty well considering the heat.
FINALLY got our popsicles from Steel City Pops in Homewood-DELICIOUS!!! When Mimi asked which flavor Blakely wanted she answered 'red', so red she got & she ate the entire thing!
Chillin' some more!
and smiling...
and loving life...
and last but not least-my aunt FINALLY got to see Parker! yay!
oh yeah and btw: got a new car on Monday!!! She's a highlander with TONS of room for the clan!
Your babies are precious! SO glad little man is happier!