July 23, 2012

Big Week!

It was this guy's birthday! 
Nikky came down with this awesome shirt...can we say perfect?!?

This girl thoroughly enjoyed her 'fog' Edgar's cupcake.
Little Elle came over for a visit while her Momma went in for one of her weekly checkups with the doc for Caroline. Elle L-O-V-E-S Parker. She begged and begged to feed him.
This boy continued being chill-He is so good these days it's hard to even remember a month ago when he never stopped crying!
We went out to eat like all weekend:  Newks, Momma G's, Pizza, and Zoe's...
-note to self-get back into my routine of cooking and QUIT BEING LAZY!
She cooperated pretty well considering the heat.
FINALLY got our popsicles from Steel City Pops in Homewood-DELICIOUS!!! When Mimi asked which flavor Blakely wanted she answered 'red', so red she got & she ate the entire thing!
Chillin' some more!
and smiling...
and loving life...
and last but not least-my aunt FINALLY got to see Parker! yay!

oh yeah and btw: got a new car on Monday!!! She's a highlander with TONS of room for the clan! 

1 comment:

  1. Your babies are precious! SO glad little man is happier!
