I sure have dropped the ball on getting the month updates up on time. All I have to say is that life is crazy for us and to even get them up at all is success enough for us. Blakely loves to talk and talking she does...non-stop, all day, every day! Lately her favorite things to say are 'opigopigopig' when asked what a pig says. She successfully tells us what any other animal says (dog, cat, cow, monkey...)
She can identify most animals, asks to watch baby can read and Elmo hourly. "baby, reaaaad'. She loves Elmo, Abby, co-co, and grover. She just discovered Elmo on her diapers and will carry them around all day. She trys to put diapers on Elmo and Raffee often. She loves her baby dolls and attempts to put her diapers on them too.
She loves hiding behind her blanket and will walk around with it on her head for a while totally entertaining herself. She puts Zizi's collar on Raffee and will chase poor Zizi around yelling 'ollar, ollar'. She loves colors, LOVES her kitchen & knows so much about playing with it. She knows that her play knife cuts the fruit, licks ice cream and says 'yumm'.
LOVES to dance (that's what we are doing here) she will get going if she hears any rhythm. Says night night to paci and throws it into her bed when she wakes up-YAY! Pats her belly when she gets full. She is obsessed with books, baths, shoes, purses, headbands, fairy wings, necklaces, rubber gloves, her chair, grocery cart...
She thinks Zizi is hilarous and chases/harasses her all day. She is a very picky eater. She will not touch cheese, meat or veggies. She naps once per day these days, usually from 11:30-2. She goes to bed at night around 6:30 and wakes up at 8:00 most mornings. We have been having quite a few bad temper tantrums lately (around 6-7 a day). I'm talking full out fit-throws body to floor including her head and screams out of frustration. Terrible twos are here I fear...
We love you so very much sweet girl, fussy and all!