May 9, 2016

Day 4

12 am, day 4 started out rough. P man had full on croup, asthma, chills and coughed every single 30 seconds. He was one sick little boy and completely horribly miserable. He woke up with a 103 fever and has spent the day watching disney channel and eating pedialyte popsicles. 

He and Clint took a nap mid afternoon and I snuck away with this girl for an hour.
 She still loves dressing up!

 No day here is complete without a visit to the sugar shack!

 We did make it to the beach for about 20 minutes...
 'sand angels' are a favorite for this girl!
 Blakely and I made a sand cat mermaid...or we tried to make a sand cat mermaid. (enter embarrassed face emoji)

day 4, you weren't all that good to us...until it came to our crabbing!

so we pumped him full of steroids, claratin, albuterol, motrin, and pedialyte and gave him 30 minutes for it to kick in...
Random fact: Blakely is the only one who can make Suri tell us stories...
 Cutest crabbers I ever did see...

 We headed out around 7:45 and waited patiently until around 8...nothing anywhere.
 but they had a blast running back and forth screaming that they found a crab hole.

 yet another beautiful scene of God's masterpiece of a sky.

 feeling good for the moment.

 then all of the sudden around 8:30 they came out. everywhere!

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