April 12, 2013

Dress Up

This is my Blakely. 
 I am requested to change her at least 10 times a day into the princess of her choice.
 She adores Mommy's shoes. I went in to check on her last night and she was curled up with one of them while she slept-I'm still not quite sure when she took them nor where she hid them, but she waited until I tucked her in to fish them out and snuggle them close until she went to sleep.
This is one of my favorite memories of the month. Snow White was a Christmas gift that was completely and totally looked past on Christmas morning. I thought, "well, why did I waste our money on that extra surprise"...
3 months later she adores her 'Snow Wipe' and loves dressing up like her. She drove her around the house the entire day 'grocery shoppin'.
 Always, always, always Mommy's shoes are on the wrong feet and she will tell me 'silly Mommy, those are the "wight" feet, see'
 My little buddy loves her some bracelets, necklaces & headbands. She is VERY particular as to what she wants to wear on a day to day basis-this includes accessories!

I love you monkey girl! You are my best buddy!

1 comment:

  1. She is so cute and I love seeing her dress up photos! How fun!! She got the love for clothes and accessories honest :) !!
