October 26, 2012

7 Months Old

7 months old...My little buddy is not so little anymore =( 
I have no clue what your weight is, but let me tell you something-it hurts to carry you my dear! I tried to carry you in your car seat the other day and couldn't do it. You have outgrown the car seat and aren't big enough for the other one yet...
 You are such a smiley boy! I LOVE YOUR SMILE! Mommy gets the biggest grins from you, if I do say so myself; although you LOVE your sisters VERY much! Zizi gives you lots of licks and love and you never complain about them. Blakely on the other hand is a bit more rough with you and that can make you uneasy. For the most part though, you laugh at both of them! You also smile for Daddy all the time!
 You are quickly growing past your rhino! Makes me so happy and sad at the same time. I love to see you advance, but miss my little tiny baby too! You sit pretty well when I am supporting you but are no where close to doing it yourself. You do roll from tummy to back and from back to tummy a lot. You love my baby can read. You like your jumperoo. You still like your rocking chair. You like your diaper changes.
 You are wearing size 4 diapers which means you and your sister are wearing the same size. It makes it easy for me when I go shopping =) You are wearing all the same clothes that I made for you two months ago in September which for the most part were 12 month-ers!
 This week you have just decreased the amount of Formula you are taking from 32 oz to 28. Still I am feeding you 4 times a day (8,11,3, & 7) 7 oz at each feeding. I started making your baby food at the beginning of this month. So far I've made you carrots (not a fan) apples (LOVE) bananas (nope), green beans (ok), peas (like), pears (LOVE), sweet potatoes (LOVE), and rice (take it or leave it)...All of which have been organic!
 You love your baths and night time. I have yet to put you down around 7 and heard even one cry. You always go straight to sleep. In the morning when you wake up, all I hear is sweet humming. I have yet to hear you cry in the morning either. At night however, you cry pretty consistently about every 2 hours-I go in there and cover you up and give you your bunny which you snuggle between both arms and go right back to sleep (I guess this is like your paci since you never liked that???) Naps are pretty hard to get regular with you. Since our schedule is never the same and we are rarely at home during the day you nap when you can. This calls for some major fussy times while we are out though so I know you would probably LOVE a regular nap routine-SORRY! I wanted to get you to sleep at 11 after your feeding and also at 3 after that feeding, but with B's school it just doesn't work!
 Here you are sucking that thumb...you love your thumb!
I love you Parkey. SO SO SO much! You bring us so much joy! Happy 7 months my baby!

1 comment:

  1. I struggled carrying Aiden in his carseat at 3 months (he outgrew it at 4 months!) lol So I feel ya there. The inbetween stage is so weird. He is so cute with those teeth popping through :-)
