May 13, 2015

Day 2

We had another amazing day here at Rosemary! The kids did great, for the most part! This little one was awesome!
 I just cannot get enough of her!

People ask all the time if they think it is just chance to get a baby this good or if it has something to do with the calmness that comes along with her being a third...I have no idea, but I am loving every. single. second. and soaking it all in! If all babies were this easy, I would have at least 6!

She is just so chill! 
 Parker got more adventurous today. He enjoyed playing in the sand and even let the water splash him with me holding him.

 Big ocean!
 always smiling!
"Take my picture with this pig Mom!"

 I could just eat her up!
 Off to explore and eat some supper!

And this one fell asleep on the way to eat! Don't worry, he woke up around 7 and ran around like a wild man until 10:30! 
 So good for my heart to see this one happy!
And after dinner, ICE CREAM!

Looking forward to day #3!!!

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