April 3, 2014


Happy Birthday little buddy!
You are two.
How did this happen?!?
You are the most cuddly guy. I absolutely cherish every single cuddle session. This is one of my very favorite things about you. 
You are very curious. You are constantly drawn to electronics of any kind. You will drag the hair dryer through the house until you find a plug and just go for it. You are enamored by tools. You watched Wolfie use a saw yesterday and stood in amazement exclaiming 'cool' over and over. 
You are rambunctious. You will run through the house back and forth like a tornado multiple times a day. You love to get on your plane or car riding toy and crash into anything in your way.
 I have just recently seen a very strong will in you. If anyone even thinks about taking something from you, you will scream and scream. Very strange since before two weeks ago you were the most passive little guy ever. I guess we have officially entered into the terrible twos...
 You are mostly happy and entertain yourself quite well. I'm not used to having an independent type.
 You LOVE being outside. No matter the weather-you want to be out there! I am so happy it is spring!!! You absolutely did not understand why I kept you cooped up for the past couple months!
You still love the tv and would watch it all day if I let you. You have no interest in flash cards or learning of any kind. You do like to read sometimes though.
 You play really well with your sister…until she takes something from you. You love her so much! More than anyone else I think!
 If I am ever cuddling with Blakely you will do a backwards walk into my lap and take over! It makes me really happy.
 You love to dance. You will rock back and forth and start spinning around and around.
 This is a normal sighting around our house. You love to just roughhouse. You will come at me head first and try to mow me over. You are quite strong my son. You have actually succeeded in knocking me down many times.
You blabber all the time in your own language. You get so excited when you are able to pronounce a word enough for me to repeat it.
 You have the most contagious laugh. I just love it so much.
 We have lots of one on one time since sister is in school 3 days a week. I'll definitely miss this once summer gets here! You are my little side kick and always up for an adventure.
 You love sweets! Really really love them! We went to sweet frog for your bday this year and you couldn't have been any happier! Once you saw the sign, you started dancing!
One of my favorite sayings that you say often is 'oh no'. You will put your adorable little hands on both cheeks and say it over and over. I love it!
You love to give hugs. When I am doing dishes or standing up doing anything you will run up behind me and wrap your little arms around my legs and squeeze tight. Then I will bend down and you will wrap those precious arms around my body and say 'hug'. Absolutely melts my heart.
You love food. For this I am so very thankful! 
You love to climb. I think it is your favorite thing to do!
You are very tough. You hardly ever cry. 

You are a people watcher. Whenever we are out, you are always watching others around you.
You did very well at your 2 year old checkup today! Doc says you are lookin' good.
32 pounds
36.5 " tall
 You still love to suck your thumb and LOVE that monkey. I keep trying to get you to name him but no such luck. I have a feeling he will just be named monkey since that is all I know to call him.
 You love to color. Coloring/drawing is your favorite. I have to hide all pens and markers from you because you have a knack for coloring on all things you shouldn't. 
 You are hardly ever still! Always looking for something to get into.
I love having little dates with you! 
 We watched the donuts being made. You loved every second of it!
Sweet baby boy. You have my heart. I love you so very much! I truly cherish every single morning that I get to wake up to my smiley, cuddle monster. 

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