December 30, 2012

9 Months Old

Parker, you are 9 months old! You are still such a chill baby. I am very thankful for that especially this month since it was a crazy one! I was trying to do Christmas, pack, take care of moving stuff and be a full time mommy to you and your sister...we made it through just fine though =)
You weigh 23.6 pounds & are 29.2" long both measurements put you in the 75%. 
You roll a lot and sit up like a pro-still no crawling. You are very content just sitting and playing with your toys so I'm not worried about your lack of drive to get moving; I'm sure you will when you are good and ready & there will be no stopping you then!
You say lots of babble. Mama, Babababa, and Lalala. Other than those three you screech a lot and coo.

 You have such a fun personality. You love to be swung upside down and dropped really fast (while holding you of course). I think you are going to be a thrill seeker. It amazes me to see this dramatic difference among you and your sister. Blakely did not like any of the things that you love!

Helping Mommy pack...
 You love love love cuddle time-especially with Daddy.
 You got both top teeth around the 26th and boy did they hurt! Once they broke through it was smooth sailing!
 Typically you are great in restaurants which is such a blessing! (your sister has never let us have fun while we are out)
 It was a fun month despite all the chaos-It was Christmas after all! We were able to really rest for a couple of days and enjoy family and reflect upon the birth of our Savior.
Christmas day was a fun day for you. You were much more involved than I expected.

You have been on absolutely no schedule in napping this month but I am starting you with a strict one tomorrow! I think it will make you even happier.
You currently are still eating the same as last month but after our visit with the doc today I will begin giving you breakfast, lunch, and dinner along with two snacks. You will be getting 3 bottles and 2 sippy snack bottles throughout the days.
You are still wearing size 4 diapers and 12-18 month clothes.
It has been a long, hard month my boy! We are settling into our new home and you have adjusted like a dream. I am excited that you will have a huge yard and deck to play on when the weather turns! I love you so very very much and my love grows more and more every moment we have together!

I am blessed!

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