March 25, 2011

Watch Me Grow-10 Months Old

I seriously feel like I was just posting about Blakely's 9 month old stage just a day ago, but here we are at the 10 month mark. She is so happy these days. The pictures did not turn out at all because she literally never sits still, not even for a second!

This is an extremely common face that we are seeing these days! I love it =)

Pulling up on everything!

Since our scale is in need of some weirdly different battery, I have no idea what her weight is. She has definitely gotten heavier though-trust me. I will have to go over to my mom's sometime to get a weight for the month.

Length: I'll fill this in later too (she is taking a nap)
  • Diaper size: 3
  • 12 month/sometimes 18 month clothing 
  • As for the napping-this girl can sleep! Just after the time changed two weeks ago she was sleeping in until around 9:00, then going back down an hour later until lunch, then again going down an hour after that until her 3:00 bottle, and then again after that one! I really messed up her schedule being at the lake this whole week though (didn't sleep at night & missed quite a few naps) SO she is literally sleeping all day and all night these past few days. I mean she slept until 9:45 this morning...I guess she is growing! 
  • Eating is going very good! She loves crackers. My dad gave her a whole club cracker without me knowing. (I'm paranoid of her choking & break everything into teeny tiny bites) She did great with it though, so I have been giving her that lately! She also LOVES yogurt, cheese, bananas and blueberry waffles. She still likes green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, applesauce, pears, peaches and so on...She doesn't give me any trouble with the table food however, she hasn't been cooperating with her bottle. Sometimes she eats it all and other times not even an ounce! I can't figure it out-I have just learned to go with it though. I just remind myself that she knows when she needs to eat and when she isn't hungry. One thing is for sure-this child isn't starving! =) 
Blakely, you are at such a fun stage right now. You are into EVERYTHING! You love crawling to our bookshelf that the TV is on and pull yourself right up. You go through each and every basket, taking out every DVD one at a time. You love your house and spend so much time ringing the doorbell and opening and closing the window. One of your favorite things is when me or dad goes to the other side of the door and you see us through and open the door for us to come on through. You love books. You love to play in the bath. You love playing with your bath toys even when you aren't in the bath. When I am cleaning up in the morning-you will crawl in the bathroom and go to your toys behind the door and just hit them together and of course put them all in your mouth. The other day I was taking a bath and you were totally wrapped up in playing. Then I saw those adorable tiny fingers grab the top of the tub & there you were peeking over at me! I have never witnessed a smile that huge! You really melt my heart! You LOVE elmo & his song-LA LA LA LA-when I sing it you go crazy! You love standing on the couch with your arms on the back cushions. You will jump and squeal! You come to us when we call you & that makes both me and your dad so happy! You love other people-in the grocery store, at someone's house-wherever-you just love the attention! I have never seen someone stare the way you do. I guess you are just taking in everything and everyone! You LOVE your Zizi. The sweetest thing happened yesterday. Zizi was sleeping on the couch and I was feeding you your bottle. You crawled over to her and laid on top of her (head and all) you cuddled like that for a couple of minutes! We tried to get a picture, but of course Zizi heard the camera coming out of the bag! You love music-nothing calms you more than 'be thou my vision'. You love your Mimi and Kaki! You love Sleepie & Raphie Oh, you LOVE LOVE LOVE paper. You would eat an entire notebook I'm afraid, if I let you! You love hearing yourself make noise & most of all you love sleeping! 

There are not many things you don't like at this stage. You are an extremely difficult little person to change - diaper and clothes. You don't like having to sit still! Your two top teeth are coming through & you don't like that (who would)? You really don't like when I try to feed you and you don't want to eat!

I love you so dearly Blakely! You are such a precious gift to all of us! We are so blessed because of you! 

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