January 3, 2011

Watch Me Grow-7 Months Old

Didn't get a picture this time without her 'petting' or eating her lion...
It does pretty much sum up how active she is these days however!

Fascinated with her feet 

Although this blog is coming roughly a week late-the pictures were in fact taken on time. Her 7 month old birthday was on Christmas Day, so due to all the chaos -this one is just now being posted! =)

Blakely is sitting up so great as of this month.  She needs no support & only falls a couple times a day. She remains a champ when she falls though-she hardly ever cries.  Most of the time she just continues to play with whatever she had in her hands. 

*Your teeth are breaking through (2 that I see) and you have really been faced with some hard days & nights. Hopefully now that I see them-the most painful part is over!

Weight: Around 20 Pounds
Diaper Size: 3
Mo. Clothes: 12 
Naps/Sleeping Habits: Typically taking one long nap (around 3 hours) in the middle of the day & two smaller ones first thing in the morning and sometime around 5.  Bedtime is at 7:30 and we typically wake around 7:00. You now will sleep no other way than on your tummy.
Eats: 4 8 oz bottles every 4 hours & two meals filled with solids & just recently puffs! You are attempting to master the sippy but have more luck just drinking straight from the cup with no straw/sippy attached.

1) Playing independently
2) Jumper
3) New Wagon
4) Mailbox & Laugh & Learn House
5) All your new toys-especially things that light up and talk to you
6) Sleeping on your tummy & well sleeping in general!
7) Zizi-she is your favorite of anyone! 
8) My Baby Can Read DVD-How this entertains you I have no idea...

1) Eating your bottle-this last month you only like about 2 oz per feeding
2) Being forced to eat more! I have never heard screams like those associated being fed when you don't want to eat
3) Missing a nap-Can we say cranky?!?
4) Being up when you are tired
5) When you want a toy and you can't quite reach it =)
6) When I over-read to you. I think I'm trying to read books that are longer than you are ready for-ooops!

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