August 18, 2010

Best $20 Spent EVER

Soooo, I have really been wanting one of those Baby Borne carriers since Blakely was born.  We have jealously watched the neighbors walk around with theirs. They are just so expensive though! It is super hard to go walking with both the baby and Zizi & shopping is pretty much impossible-well, not anymore! This is the imitation 'baby borne' & was $20 at Buy Buy Baby with my coupons! We are so excited! I was skeptical at first but we used it all day today & it worked great! So thank you fake Baby Borne for making my life more enjoyable.

Today was our official first outting just the two of us.  We went to the bank & then to the baby store.  Blakely did so great.  She didn't cry once!

We have been having a wonderful week this week! We are really missing Dad though-it is super weird him being gone after always being here...We will pull though. Happy Hump Day!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love those things....Never really got to use them with Aiden. He was way to big and put too much strain on my back with the straps.

    Glad to hear everything is going good. Blakely sure is a cutie!
