August 26, 2010

Watch Me Grow-3 Months Today!!!

I cannot believe we are officially at that 3 month mark! She sure is hitting that "magic moment" that everyone keeps referring to! She is constantly smiling & looking around.  So much more aware than even last week! Here are a few shots of her in her 'watch me grow' onesies:


3 Month Stat Update:

*Weight: Right at 13 Pounds!
*Length: 24.5"
*We are in Size 1-2 Diapers
*Wearing Size 3-6 Months & even some 6-9 Months!
*Sleeping Patterns: Bedtime around 9:30 & usually waking around 7:00-What a wonderful baby!!!
Normally naps fall after eating & play time (they usually last around an hour!)
*Eating 6 oz, 5 times a day--we are now using the level 2 nipples & downing a bottle in less than 15 minutes-Wa-hoo!!!

We are Loving:
  1. Our Crib Aquarium-I have never seen such amazement from you- you seriously love that thing! Now if I could just get it to stay on for more than 2 minutes
  2. Daddy's voice & attention from him-Man can he make you smile!
  3. Mr. Pappy-Not happy until you get him!
  4. Walks in my Baby Carrier-Half the time you are constantly looking around & the other half you are fast asleep
  5. Mimi, Gran, Kaki, and Wolfie-They get more smiles than anyone else
  6. Your Noah & Jonah Board Book (because they rhyme) -you stare and talk throughout the whole thing with a huge smile on your face.  You don't do this to any other book... (You must love God already) =)
  7. Airplane - being positioned on your tummy on my legs, looking down at me
  8. Your Mirror and Wedge- you are so fascinated with the mirror! You love to look at yourself
  9. You are still liking your bouncer (when I am constantly bouncing you & swing-not loving them but you tolerate them for a little while!
  10. Baths-if you are fed
  11. Car Rides-they put you right to sleep-along with the stroller!

We are Not Liking:
  1. Zizi's kisses-I think they are a little much for you!
  2. Being cold-when Daddy came home last weekend the temp went down in the house & I got some lovely wake up calls at 2 & 3 in the AM and never calmed down through out those nights.
  3. Baths-if you are hungry
  4. Waking up when I am not holding you...Spoiled much
One quick thing: You are such a happy baby! We are absolutely so blessed! God sure knew what he was doing when He created such a perfect creation for our family.  I love you so very much & cannot believe the time is flying so fast!!! I'm so lucky to have this wonderful blog to capture all our memories!


  1. I love that Zizi is so much a part of your life still! So many people ditch their pets once a baby comes. I love my furbabies so much I was wondering what might happen to them if we had kids.

  2. Never! She is my first born! =) If I had a nickel for every time I heard the same thing...
