August 12, 2015

6 Months

Oh my sweetness, you are half a year old!!!
You are 17 pounds, 12.3 oz (75%)
and 27" tall (90%)
 Sister you are vocal these days. You have found your voice and don't let us forget it =)
 You have got the rolling on your back thing down. Now, if we could only get you rolling back to your belly!
 You have started to sleep on your side most nights. Sometimes you will roll on your belly and sleep, but I think that is because you can't get back to your side!
 You still love your paci. You also looooove to suck on your hands! (And by hands I mean entire fist)
 I'm about to work really hard to get you on a somewhat consistent schedule, seeing how life is about to change with the demands of your sister and brother going to school! This summer you have just grabbed a nap here and there whenever you could!
 YOU ARE STILL EXCLUSIVELY NURSING! That is such an accomplishment for me as your Momma! I would have never dreamed I could have made it this far!
 I guess we will start solids this month! We go to your pediatrician next week and we will get a game plan on that!  I think (and pray) you will be my good eater!!! You watch us all eat so intently! I've got to have at least one person that eats right?!?
 You love all your people so much! Blakely, Parker, Zizi--they are your world! When you hear their voices in the morning you light up!
 Your smile still lights up the room! 
 You have gotten a little dramatic this month, I must mention! Sometimes there is no soothing you! I'm starting to wonder if you are just bored! You don't want to sit (and don't really fit) in the bouncer anymore & the jumper and exersaucer don't entertain for over a couple of minutes! For the most part you are still the most chill of all the kiddos!

 That face. Oh it gets me!

 You still love cuddling your blanket when you nap!
 You lock those knees amazingly great. Hopefully we aren't going to skip crawling...

My sweet Alli Kate, I love you so. You are my heart. I have probably said that every single month, but you keep growing this heart of mine exponentially by the day. You bring joy in the midst of confusion and sadness. You bring hope during those times of darkness. God is working through you to bring me a reflection of him, of this I am sure.

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