April 24, 2010

Sleepy Saturday!

I don't know a better feeling than waking up to the nice, steady sound of rain when you realize you don't have to get out and drive to work--you can just lie back down and relax!!! Believe it or not, I am enjoying the rainy day today! Zi and I are just relaxing on the couch watching it fall out the back window!

We have the nursery ALMOST finished! Mom Lyle & Clint painted it on Monday & Tuesday! We are waiting on Momma to finish up the bed skirt & curtain & then it will be totally 100% complete! I will make sure to post pictures when that happens. =) On Tuesday my doctor told us that we can be expecting our little Blakely June 1st, SO we have one less week to get things in order--& you know me, I'm all about order! We officially decided on a middle name- Blakely Ann. Not only is Ann Mimi's middle name and Memaw's name, but it also means "favored grace." All of those things just made it perfect for our little girl! God does have favored grace on her and the blessing that she is in our lives! I already love her SO much it is unbelievable!

Well, we went out to dinner last night with our neighbors, Darrell & Sharmin. For the first time in my life I ATE SUSHI! & actually LIKED it...A LOT! I was really thinking I would hate it, but with an open mind I tried it! Sharmin is expected to deliver any day now--so Blakely will have Elizabeth Gray to play with and also Sophia! What a lucky little one!

Well, I guess that's it for today! Off to clean, make my first leash for 1stopk9shop & maybe a few tutus =). Later Zizi is going to Grand & Mimi's house to play with her best friend Cali!


1 comment:

  1. I hope it wasn't raw sushi, bc thats not good for expecting moms and breastfeeding moms

    I love Blakely Ann. So cute
