February 6, 2017

Legos with friends and shopping

The lego exhibit came to the Galleria this year and we met up with our friends to have some fun!
 I love this stage where dressing up is just a 'normal' thing to do-whenever, wherever!
 Parker enjoyed the carousel, Momma had to get another sweet Momma to sit with him on there since I cannot handle the motion!

 Parker loves his buddy Jack!
 and he loves eating cookies!
 As does this one...lets be honest, who doesn't?

 Costco later that day for some lunch!
 This here is my shopping buddy! She loves all things Minnie Mouse, Elsa, and Princess. She loves clothes, light up things, toys of any kind, and pretty much anything that sticks out to her. She will let you know too--that she wants EVERYTHING when we go! Over and over I will hear 'Minnie' Minnie...I mostly give in...

 I'm not quite sure but I take a lot of pictures of this kid when he sleeps. I was going through my phone the other day and looked to see about 20 just of him sleeping. Kinda weird...he's just so peaceful when he sleeps.

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