February 1, 2017

January Recap

Aside from Disney, which lets be honest....owned January! We had some adventures at home. After all, how could you not with these three kiddos? Mimi didn't buy AK a minnie in Disney and AK wouldn't let her forget it either! Soon, one day when Mimi was watching her she brought her a surprise just as big as she is =)

 Blakely celebrated her 100th day at school by dressing up as a 100 year old lady. Cutest 100 year old I've ever seen!
 Alli Kate mimics sister more than I ever imagined. She does EVERY.THING that Blakely does. Yikes!!! Some of them are cute though-like when I walked into the den where they had rearranged the furniture and were watching a movie.
 Blakely can be the best big sister! She didn't like these PJs for the longest time, but when she knew how happy it would make AK-she put them on without a fit! Oh, it made that little sister of hers so so very happy!
 Alli Kate absolutely adores Blakely!
 Here is Parker man enjoying his 4 wheeler in the on again, off again 'spring-ish' weather.
 Probably the best purchase ever made in this family!
 Still dressing up most days, especially now that Parker likes to!
 Showing his muscles!
 Parker still LOVES the trampoline! He could spend hours out there every single day!

 Just a random shot of life with our AK...This kept her occupied for about 30 min!!! Which is HUGE, since she is into EVERY.THING these days!!!!
 The hulk pretending to shoot me....

That's really it from January! We had a great month!

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