January 18, 2016

11 Months

26 days and counting until you are 1. O-N-E. My precious baby, I love you so much. You are such a joy. You bring our family together in so many ways. It is rare to see you without a big smile across your face. 
You eat better than your sister and brother combined! Waaaaay better. In fact, this past month you have filled your tummy with Tuna, Oranges, Salmon...even kale! You amaze this Momma.
You are a solid 21 pounds.
You have started dancing all the time. Anytime you hear music you bounce up and down. You are a crawling machine. You are already walking around while holding on to whatever you can climb up on. This month you started standing in your crib when you wake up from naps waiting on me.
We made it to 10 months and then had to start supplementing formula. You are now exclusively fed formula and love it. It makes you sleep through the nights!!! You have been sleeping through the night about 2 weeks now.
As for naps, well they are slim to none. Not by your doing though, it is due to our crazy schedule. Between Parker's school and Blakely, plus some necessary errands...they just don't happen all that much. You are still one of the happiest babies ever though!
I've started planning your party! We are doing pink and gold with a splash of hearts! This Momma of yours loves her some b'day celebrations!!! We've invited just a few of your friends!
You say Momma quite often, but only when I'm away from you and you are trying to get to me. You've started a bit of separation anxiety when someone you are unfamiliar with holds you while I am within eyesight. I'm not gonna lie, it makes my heart a little happy.
You love Zizi. You two have a ball at meal time. She counts on you to give her a few bites and you think it is so so funny.
You sister and brother adore you. Blakely has started carrying you around the house. Like, all the time. I tell her that you are going to have to learn to walk! She just always looks for you and wants to play with her 'kitt-en" and "meow-ers" as in the sound a cat makes plus ers.
You are my sunshine little doodle. You are just into eve-ry-thing!!! and I mean everything.
We have started to see a tad bit of neediness...we will just say that you like to be held =)
Alli Kate, I love you more than I could ever tell you. You are one fifth of my heart. You calm me when I am anxious and remind me that God is in control. You have a pretty funny personality and are totally laid back. I love you to the moon and back.

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