A new year brings reflection and rejuvenation. I love reflecting on all the change a single year brings. Good, bad and all. It really helps me see how fast the days fly and how important it is to seize each day.
As I reflect, 2015 was a year of learning for me. I almost didn't survive an anaphylactic reaction to antibiotics and that sure made me understand how fleeting and fragile this life really is. Tragedy struck friends and friends of friends way too much this past year. What used to be sad movie plots, I watched unfold all around me.
I learned how important it is to count blessings daily. Hourly. Even more so. Recognizing blessings make the hard stuff seem smaller. It truly does. One of the most life changing things I've practiced is voicing 5 positives in my life for every grumble/complaint.
I've started eating healthy. It's been 15 days and I've done quite well. I've lost 10 pounds so far! I was so lethargic and kept getting sick. New Years day I decided there was no time like the present. So there's been a lot of this...
and that...
and a healthy fridge!
Here are 16 goals for 2016:
1. Thank God every day for at least 10 blessings.
2. Read one book a month.
3. Start each day in prayer and in the Word.
4. Do something good for someone every day.
5. Whisper in anger instead of yell.
6. Get back to pre-baby weight
7. Walk Zizi More
8. Think and always count to 10 before I speak when angry or hurt.
9. Think and speak 5 positives for every negative.
10. Pray over kids morning, noon and night so that they can hear. Read them scripture.
11. Don't complain or grumble!
12. Stick with our budget!
13. Plan means weekly and stick with it.
14. Let go of expectations!
15. Priorities: God. Clint, Kids, others.
16. Stick with our weekly budget!