December 13, 2015

10 Months

Ten Months. T-E-N months. Oh my sweetness. Ten whole months with this girl. 
This has been such a big month for you! 

You love to stand. I mean L-O-V-E it. You pull up on any and everything! You love standing so much that you lock those knees of yours when we try and sit you down! 
You have such a sweet smile! I absolutely adore your smile!
You are crawling like a crazy now. You are in to EVERYTHING! 

We had to introduce formula this month. I'm still feeding you around 3 times a day, but we've gone through two cans of formula, so I'm guessing you aren't getting much from me these days. It's been hard on me, but I'm getting used to it! I don't think you mind it too much =)

You are still giving the nursery workers at church a hard time. You are high maintenance while you are there! I can't figure it easy going baby is the most demanding when in that setting!
You love all things shiny. Christmas and all of its glitter sure does amaze you.
You've started talking quite a bit. You say Momma, Mimi, and a bunch of jibber jabber!
You eat like a champ. There hasn't been a food you have refused! Turkey, bread, cheese, eggs, yogurt, veggies, fruit...everything! It makes me so so so happy--especially considering what we've gone through with the other two picky eaters!

You love picking on people's faces. Let me tell you, it hurts!

Even though it's December, we've enjoyed many days outside!
Girl, you own me.

Happy 10 months sweet girl! You have brought our family so much joy. I love you more than you will ever know!

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