June 13, 2013

ER visit

This was our first ever hospital visit & for that I am thankful, however I've never been so scared before in all my life.
Parker had a weird cough last Thursday night, one that I've never heard before. I get confused with all his asthma so I just typically give him his inhaler whenever I am in question. I videoed his breathing and sent it to aunt/nurse Lauren for some advice. She told me it might be Strider and if so I needed to get him to the hospital, but that it might not be that big a deal...I made the decision to put him to bed and pray for the cough to just go away...

It didn't.

We heard a shrill around 10 pm and I ran into Parkey's room to him not being able to catch his breath, total discoloration of his lips, and eyes rolled in the back of his little head. 

I don't remember much after that, just that we made it to the hospital with 10 or so people waiting the the waiting room-with our description of what had happened the nurse listened to Parker breathe and immediately started yelling out stuff along with that word Lauren had used 'Strider'...

The doc met us in the hall and gave P a steroid along with a breathing treatment and before we knew it he was looking like himself.
 Poor guy is still feeling yucky and now sister and I are too!

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