How is it that in 365 short days one can grows from this...
into this???
My dear Blakely,
You are amazing in so many ways! You truly are my very best friend. I love how creative you are. I love your timid nature. You are reserved and I've yet to see you do anything adventurous. You are not a risk taker to say the least. I put you on a swing the other day and you immediately wanted down. You love your friends, but when Mommy is around you would rather just hold my hand be held. You love 'your people'.
You are extremely smart. Your ability to reason is ridiculous. You understand traffic lights and stop signs. You are my little 'back seat driver'.
You started using the potty, fully trained on April 29-out of no where. I was planning to wait until after school let out to tackle it, but one day you just decided you were sick of diapers on your own!
You still love dress up. You are so picky with what you put on every day and night, right down to the headband, shoes and undies. I see your strong will come out in these moments every single day.
You and your Daddy have such a strong bond. You tell him often that he is your best friend and that you love him 'oh so very much'! I am so thankful that you appreciate him and all he sacrifices for us!
The two of you have a special little thing. He will trap you and hold on tight to you and he will say 'what's the password' you always immediately respond 'I love you' Lately, you just go ahead and say the whole thing right when he grabs you 'what's the password, I love you' and then will say AGAIN!
You wear tutus EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. and NIGHT! You love them and truly live in them. Also, you sleep in shoes and your headband every night. Here is a shot I got after you were asleep. Pretty much sums up what we see every night!
You love shoes...need I say more?
Some random stories, so I won't forget =)
You call daytime, sunnytime-something you came up with on your own. I love it. You will scream at daddy in the morning 'wake up Daddy, it's sunnytime!!!'.
One morning around 4 am I heard you
screaming singing with grover 'if you're happy and you know it clap your hands'
You tell stories all the time, mostly to Raffe. You will tell him how you were in your room and you were just reading and then you were talking and then you wanted to dance.
You tell me all the time 'silly Mama'
You don't like for anyone to clap after you go potty. You will tell me every time you sit down 'don't clap ok, I don't like people to clap.' You still tell me this after 2 weeks of me never clapping.
You have this fish that is in one of your books and he has a surprised expression on his face and you do that face all the time and tell me you want me to do it too!
I told you a while back that the probiotic that I put in your milk was sugar, so now you ask for sugar milk every where you go. I'm sure people think I actually add sugar to your milk...
You tell Zizi goodbye whenever we leave and always run after her and grab her collar to give her a kiss on the nose. You chase her until she lets you kiss her.
You can't pronounce 'th' and everything that starts of ends with it you put in a 'g'. My favorite of your saying is 'ganks' as in thanks. You also can't say the 't' in words so Snow White is "Snow Wipe." I absolutely love these little things and am not ready for you to change quite yet!