September 26, 2012

6 Months Old

Half a year old! I can't believe we are here big boy!!! You are such a perfect little angel! You are such a chill baby-content pretty much wherever you land...Oh how lucky I feel! Those first two months really made me worry!!! You are doing this (pic below) with your tongue A LOT!!! You just can't get used to those two bottom teeth. =)
You talk to me pretty much the whole time you are awake. You are very good at mimicking me and the sounds I make. When I say 'heeey' you say it right back.
You are completely and utterly amazed with your hands!
Seriously, you will just sit there and stare for 15-20 minutes at a time.
you are 21 pounds 10 oz and 28 inches long!!!

you are still wearing size 3 diapers

still napping 3 times a day (around 9, 1 & 4:30) each nap lasts no more than an hour

still not taking a paci (which is totally fine with me after reading back about your sister and how many times a night I used to have to go 'fetch' her paci for her to quit her crying...

you eat 32 oz a day, 8 oz 4 times a day (8, 11, 3 & 7) PLUS oatmeal and veggies at 3 (which you LOVE by the way!!!)

go to bed at 7 every night with no crying =)

sleep until 7 or 8 depending on the day!!!!!

and you are quite close to sitting up...kinda...sometimes =)
Parker, I cannot put into words how much I love you! You bring me so much happiness, joy and peace. Just watching you reminds me of God's love. You are such a precious gift and I am desperately trying to soak in each and every moment that I have with you at this age. You are just such a blessing. Hearing you laugh brings me so much joy!

Blakely, Daddy and Zizi love you too-SOOO much! HAPPY HALF A YEAR OLD Mr. Man!

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