December 22, 2010

2 days in counting!

I cannot believe that the day after tomorrow is Christmas Eve (the most wonderful day of the ENTIRE year!!!) We are starting so many fun traditions this year & so excited about them! =)  I must admit that I think I am expecting to do lots more on Christmas Eve then we possibly have time for!

On Sunday our preacher was telling a story of their Christmas memory book which holds pictures & written memories from their past 26 Christmas seasons.  I was so inspired after leaving to start one of our own. So yeah, that is on my to-do list for today-go to hobby lobby and find a scrapbook so I can start writing before I forget these moments! Now if only Blakely would wake up!!! She is sleeping so much lately (guess she's a growin')

Here are some pictures of these past few days!
In her ADORABLE Life is Good PJ's that her Aunt Karen gave her! Sitting with her Wolfie!

Yummy Zizi cookies (5 seconds later half were gone-oooops)

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"yep, lets go find our presents!"

OOOOOh sparkly, pretty... 

Look Momma!

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