June 12, 2015

4 Months

Sweet girl, you just turned 4 months old today.
 We went to the doctor this morning and found out that you are:
 14 pounds 3 oz (50%) & 25" long (75%)
 I am still exclusively breastfeeding & loving every second of the connection and convenience that it provides.
 We finally have a schedule of sorts. It looks a little something like this:
5:45 nurse, 7:00 nap, 8:45 nurse, 10:00 nap, 12:30 nurse, 1:00 nap, 4:00 nurse, 5:00 nap, 7:00 nurse, 8:00 bed, 2 am nurse...
So basically, you eat every 3 hours and nap every 3 hours. 
That schedule is all you, I didn't have anything to do with setting those times. 
 Smiling is truly your favorite.
 That smile owns me.
 You've started being so verbal! You so talk back to be often!
 The doctor asked me today if you are rolling over good. 
ummm, I guess I need to put you on the ground to see if we can learn! 
It's just those other two creatures, it is pretty dangerous to leave you on the ground! 
Oh the problems with a third!
 Your sister adores you more every single day.
 You are doing great pulling your body up during tummy time though! We practice that on our bed, safely away from everybody!

 VBS was last week and it was the first time I've left you for a long period of time. 
It. was. hard.
 You love your baths.
 I am so glad these two have each other. There is just nothing like a sister!
 Big girl, you barely fit in this onesie! You are already bigger than that lion!
 I love your smile so much. Have I mentioned that before? I do. I just love it.

 You found your hands this month and love to suck on them. I've caught you many times just staring at them.

 I've stumbled upon figuring out your schedule due to a couple of screaming fits you had. I finally figured out you were just past the point of tired. Something I've found that you LOVE is to have your blanket covering your head when you are sleepy. When it is your nap time you will fall asleep almost immediately if I just put your blanket over your head, it is amazing!

 Little doodle, I love you more than life itself.
 You have such a contagious smile. Everyone falls in love when they see you.
 You still love your paci. A lot.
 You are still such an easygoing baby. You have spent many a days this month just chilling at the pool while brother and sister swam. You don't mind napping in your car seat. You just go with the flow whatever that means day to day.

Alli Kate,
You are just the sweetest little buddy. 
You make my heart full. 
I just love you so much.

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