I have really been procrastinating doing any Blog posting lately but I did want to get in a few comments about Blakely this month.
So here are a few things our sweet 'big' girl has been up to lately:
1) Walks on her tippy toes all the time
2) No longer needs her paci-hasn't asked for it since it went bye bye. Raffe on the other hand is ALWAYS in her arms. He goes absolutely everywhere with us!
3) Sleeping in her 'big girl' bed
4) Dances around in circles with or without music
5) Sings the abcs. she is only saying A B C & D so far. When she wants to here the song you will here ab, ab, ab!!! Also, if I tell her to sing for Momma she will start with ABCD...
6) Throws fits OFTEN! She drops to the floor and starts crying, rolling, & kicking. These fits are from items not fitting into places she wants them i.e. Raffe not fitting into a specific bag she wants him in.
7) We are really seeing a picky eater these days! I can't find anything that she will consistently eat except for sweets. If a veggie gets even close to her she will scream 'no no'. She loves fruit for the most part (since it is sweet) Meat is another out of the question food. I'm hoping this is a phase and she will go back to eating great.
I guess that's it for today. I am expecting our sweet boy in the next couple of weeks so I gotta be honest, you won't be hearing from me until after he is born! Say a prayer for me!
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