First and foremost I would like to thank my husband for all of the help he gives me when he is here-You know that old saying "you don't know what you got til' it's gone"? Well in this case "I didn't know what I had til' it had to train for 4 months". Whew, this time with Clint away has been really tough-fun but tough! Time just seems to go even faster if that is possible! We SERIOUSLY miss all the joy he brings just being here. Anyway, we are managing and just thrive knowing he is coming home THURSDAY! YAY!
SO, yeah-Little Bitty is 4 months old today! yep, 4 MONTHS! I know, I cannot believe it either. I think it would be safe to say that she has changed tremendously since the 3 month update. Here are some lovely pictures in her little 'watch me grow' onesies!
So happy & alert! |
Hi Mom |
Me & my lion |
Sitting up so good |

Gotta have one with her Zi
4 Month Stat Update:
*Weight: 15 pounds 6 oz--75-90%
*Length: 24.25"--50%
*Diaper Size: We are in 2s
*Month Clothes Size: Mainly 6 Monthers! Her sweet legs are too big for everything that is smaller!
*Naps/Sleeping Habits: Going to bed around 7:30 and sleeping until 7:00 pretty regularly now!!!!
Nap #1: 8:00 AM- 10:00 AM
Nap #2: 12:00 PM-3:00 PM
Sometimes we will sneak a tiny nap in sometime around 6:00 PM even though we try hard not to! Sometimes she is totally out of it around this time!
Eats: 7 oz. at 7:00, 11:00, 3:00 & 7:00
**At 3:00 we add rice cereal to the mix =) Just started that today & she loved it!!!
We are LOVING:
1. Singing
2. Changing her diaper (when you talk/sing through it AND if she isn't tired)
3. Taking a bath!!!
4. swinging in her swing in the morning before her first nap
5. Her new mobile (our other one broke & she was up night after night totally devastated!)
6 LOVES LOVES LOVES her sleep sheep
7. Loves the morning when you wake her up saying "gooooood morning" She cooooos and laughs)
8. sitting up in her bumbo-or really sitting anywhere that she can see everything around her
9. zizi-the other day Zizi jumped on the couch where Blakely was sitting and put her head by Blakely's feet. She took her hands and laid them on zizi's head and "pet" her
10. Being read to
Not Loving:
1. Laying down when she wants to watch things
2. Not being able to fall asleep (like if we are somewhere when it is nap time and she cannot fall asleep-NIGHTMARE!
3. an uncleaned poopy
4. Loud Zizi when sleeping (who would love that) =)
5. Delay in bottle upon feeding times-you better have that bottle warm and ready when she wakes up!
6. Being hot!
7. Time AFTER the bath-NOT fun at all