May 19, 2010

She's a Comin'

Well, as of my Dr. apt on Monday—Little Blakely is expected to arrive sometime next week!!! He is thinking that I will be induced on Tuesday.  Please pray that this will not be a 24+ hour labor followed by a C-Section! We are so excited and SO ready! Mom’s last day of school is Tuesday, so I will probably go in that night if everything looks right next Monday at my next appointment! I cannot believe how fast these past 9 months have gone! If there is anything that I have learned from this whole experience it is that life comes at you fast—the only way through it is to pray and walk by faith, ONE day at a time!


Zizi is getting really curious! This morning while I was doing my devotion in the nursery, she kept jumping in attempt to see inside the crib! When I held her up just enough to see the inside she looked back at me all confused.  She might have smelled Elizabeth Gray up there (from when she was there before). Anyways, I think Blakely & Zi are going to be best buds!


I guess that’s it for now!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I'm sooo excited for you Kate!!!!!
    It definitely has been the best thing to ever happen in my life. I know youre little girl will be truly blessed to have you as her mommy!
