June 30, 2017

Swim Lessons

Before swim lessons with Mrs. Em. Parker wouldn't get near water without a full on life vest on. He was absolutely terrified to go under water! I seriously thought there would never be a use for goggles. Blakely didn't want to go under either. I didn't know what in the world to expect. 
The first day, we had one one one lessons and they went wonderfully! Parker did so great!!!

AK loved just hanging around the house and petting the dogs!

Each day we got a surprise sweet each day as a little incentive to cooperate.

By day 3 Parker was in the 'wet hair club'. Mrs. Em got him to go under and by day 5 he was doing nothing but keeping his head under! He LOVES it!

The girls had fun playing together while Parker had his lessons.

I'm so proud of these guys for working so hard!


Our June went by pretty fast. The days were long, but the month was short I guess. 

Here is a pic of our Dawson upcoming 1st graders!
This girl is a little too obsessed with the tv in the van.
All 3 kiddos got checked at the dentist this month!

And spent lots of time at the doc.

We got some good play time in with neighbors!

and spent TONS of time at the library!

We had water balloons and filled the baby pool up to try and beat the heat!

What a diva!
Told little bit it was time for her bed and chased after her to find her tucked into our bed pretending to be asleep! ha!
It rained A LOT this June. We spent a lot of time on the bed swing enjoying the beautiful sound of rain!
Girly gets super quite often and I get worried!!! Went downstairs to find this the other day!

Girly loves the pool!

Not much has changed in terms of this guy and our bed. He takes over it like it is his own!
This girl LOVES to paint!

Tell her not to eat the paint and you will get this face.

B did AK's hair to look like Elsa.

This girl is all girl.
Caught them all eating like this and it made my heart so happy. This never happens. Ever.
On our bucket list, pretty much every single local playground is listed. I never truly thought about how HOT the bars would get! Wow!!! We have played at a couple, but don't stay long at all!

Ice cream is listed a lot too. We've sure enjoyed it a lot!

Library movies have been so much fun too!!!

Potty training has begun. ugh. AK keeps taking her diaper off each time before she unloads her bladder. So...we are slowly trying to teach her.
Mimi always thinks of the most fun stuff...this time Fairy Gardens!