October was jammed with events and fun, but I ended up with a bunch of 'everyday' pictures that didn't fit into any particular post...
Parker man is still loving stuffed animals. We found this angry birds pig at Target on the clearance rack and he just 'had' to have it. He loves and I mean LOVES angry birds.My little Cheese face, is still into EVERYTHING.
This one LOVES halloween and is very excited about next week!
I'm loving her bangs more and more every day.
Last Friday we attempted a movie. It really went well. We saw the secret life of pets. AK got pretty tired about 30 minutes before it ended (it was close to 9 though, so considering she did GREAT!)
Little man is STILL sleeping in our bed every.night.
LOVES Pizza. Everyone does =)
Ready to learn to ride =)
This little buddy got SICK this month. And I mean SICK. After a doc visit and some strong antibiotics and probiotics...good as new!
these guys LOVE having their face painted!!!
Fell asleep with Monkey tucked in 💕
Always makes me laugh, no matter how many times I see her this way!