Dear Sweet Blakely,
You are growing to be such a hilarious baby! See this face? That is so you. Here is another one that totally captures what I see on a very regular basis...
cute, scrunchy face. You love to laugh-you have this fake laugh that you think is so funny. If I say you are funny you will start up with it. You love for me to read the same book over and over and over. I hear this is pretty normal, but I would LOVE to change it up some...=) You love peek a boo. We caught you playing this with Sophia yesterday- You just say boo though. You love food, which is such a blessing. You have become desperately attached to your paci the past couple of weeks, which makes me sad. I wanted him to be outta here by now, but gave in to your antics. So now its 'babby babby!' which of course means you want both your giraffe and your paci. You have such a sweet heart. You share, hug and kiss. I love you sweet girl!