January 18, 2010


Whooo Hoooo! It's a Girl!
We got to see little peanut opening & closing her little mouth! We actually got a video of her! She is very active, currently breech--her little head is above my belly button & her feet are straight down. She looks completely healthy! THANK YOU GOD!

We came home and told little Zi about having a little sister to play with...she is VERY excited! Guess we will try and get the room together now!


January 17, 2010

One More Day!

Tomorrow is the exciting day! We get to finally find out what little peanut is! We are thrilled! Zizi even knows something is up! She keeps sniffing my belly (probably because we keep saying--Zi come here and see--what's in there?!?) She is very curious!

Anyways, tomorrow at 3 we will have our 2nd ultrasound and even get a video of what our little one is doing! So EXCITING!

Nothing too unbelievable has been happening around here lately. Still waiting to see God's wonderful plan for our lives! I will write back tomorrow with some good news!

Till then~Good Night!

January 12, 2010

Drum Roll Please...

I am so excited to start my new blog!  If only I had been motivated upon graduating college, getting engaged, planning our wedding...I am sad to admit that most of those memories have already escaped me.  So heres to attempting to capture some of our life in words and pictures--so my little "junebug" along with Clint and myself could have a prayer of remembering these days that seem to just fly right by!

Monday we are going to find out whether peanut is a SHE or a HE! WE CANNOT WAIT! We will be thrilled either way--All I pray for is health! I am finally staying up past 7 again--seriously, I went to bed there for about 2 months around 7 & sometimes (lots of times) even earlier. I actually have been catching my Zzzzs starting around 11 the past few nights which is HUGE! It sure does take a lot to grow those fingers & toes inside me =)

Zizi is loving Elizabeth Gray so I think she will do wonders around a friend of her own. She constantly licks Elizabeth Gray in the face. Alli is getting use to it now--guess I didn't give her much of a choice. We keep telling her that I am cooking one for her to play with--Guess she will find out soon enough!

I will be checking back in soon! Gotta get back to making my Tutus--how I love making stuff!!! Oh and can I just mention how FREEZING cold it is today! Whew!